Suprkid Abacus Program is designed to ensure children are quick and confident in math problem solving. we provide the best, result oriented and child friendly abacus training program, which is designed for kids to understand and learn mathematics fun way. Our mentors will ensure that your child will learn to do quick calculations mentally and especially ones with a mathematical edge
Calculation on Soroban (Abacus Tool)
Addition & Subtraction on Soroban
Mental Calculation: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication
Calculations of 1/2/3 digits (Age: 4 to 14 yrs.)
Develop perfection in foundational mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
Tremendous improvement in the ability to calculate, both on the abacus and mentally
Improves lifelong brain skills such as Concentration, Mathematics, Creativity, Listening, Visualization, and Photo Memory
Discover and bring out the hidden potential of children
Remove the fear of mathematics